Community governance at a micro scale

Content for the week of April 29, 2024


  • Local government consolidation
  • Public participation
  • Appointed volunteers in local government
  • Homeowners associations


  • Leland, Suzanne, and Kurt Thurmaier. “Political and Functional Local Government Consolidation: The Challenges for Core Public Administration Values and Regional Reform.” (Leland and Thurmaier 2014)
  • Einstein, Katherine Levine, Maxwell Palmer, and David M. Glick. “Who Participates in Local Government? Evidence from Meeting Minutes.” (Einstein, Palmer, and Glick 2019)
  • Dougherty, George W., and Jennifer Easton. “Appointed Public Volunteer Boards: Exploring the Basics of Citizen Participation Through Boards and Commissions.” (Dougherty and Easton 2011)
  • McCabe, Barbara Coyle. “Homeowners Associations as Private Governments: What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and Why It Matters.” (McCabe 2011)


Dougherty, George W., and Jennifer Easton. 2011. “Appointed Public Volunteer Boards: Exploring the Basics of Citizen Participation Through Boards and Commissions.” The American Review of Public Administration 41 (5): 519–41.
Einstein, Katherine Levine, Maxwell Palmer, and David M. Glick. 2019. “Who Participates in Local Government? Evidence from Meeting Minutes.” Perspectives on Politics 17 (1): 28–46.
Leland, Suzanne, and Kurt Thurmaier. 2014. “Political and Functional Local Government Consolidation: The Challenges for Core Public Administration Values and Regional Reform.” The American Review of Public Administration 44 (4_suppl): 29S–46S.
McCabe, Barbara Coyle. 2011. “Homeowners Associations as Private Governments: What We Know, What We Dont Know, and Why It Matters.” Public Administration Review 71 (4): 535–42.