External influences on local government

Content for the week of April 15, 2024


  • Elections
  • Urban sprawl
  • Population growth
  • Climate change/sustainability


  • Warshaw, Christopher. “Local Elections and Representation in the United States.” (Warshaw 2019)
  • Nechyba, Thomas J., and Randall P. Walsh. “Urban Sprawl.” (Nechyba and Walsh 2004)
  • Galster, George. “Why Shrinking Cities Are Not Mirror Images of Growing Cities: A Research Agenda of Six Testable Propositions.” (Galster 2019)
  • Deslatte, Aaron, Michael D. Siciliano, and Rachel M. Krause. “Local Government Managers Are on the Frontlines of Climate Change: Are They Ready?” (Deslatte, Siciliano, and Krause 2023)


Deslatte, Aaron, Michael D. Siciliano, and Rachel M. Krause. 2023. “Local Government Managers Are on the Frontlines of Climate Change: Are They Ready?” Public Administration Review 83 (6): 1506–11.
Galster, George. 2019. “Why Shrinking Cities Are Not Mirror Images of Growing Cities: A Research Agenda of Six Testable Propositions.” Urban Affairs Review 55 (1): 355–72.
Nechyba, Thomas J., and Randall P. Walsh. 2004. “Urban Sprawl.” Journal of Economic Perspectives 18 (4): 177–200.
Warshaw, Christopher. 2019. “Local Elections and Representation in the United States.” Annual Review of Political Science 22 (1): 461479.