The local government landscape

Content for the week of March 18, 2024


  • Local governments, generally
  • Home rule
  • Patterns of local government spending/employment


  • Chapter 1, 2, and 5 in Governing the Metropolitan Region: America’s New Frontier (Miller and Cox 2014)
  • Bowman, Ann O’M. “The State-Local Government(s) Conundrum: Power and Design.” (Bowman 2017)
  • Goodman, Christopher B. “Local Government Fragmentation: What Do We Know?” (Goodman 2019)
  • Richardson, Jesse J. “Dillon’s Rule Is from Mars, Home Rule Is from Venus: Local Government Autonomy and the Rules of Statutory Construction.” (Richardson 2011)

Home rule in Illinois

  • Banovetz, James M. “The Status of Illinois Home Rule, Part I: Home Rule Cities and the Voters.” (Banovetz 2002)
  • Banovetz, James M., and Thomas W. Kelty. “The Status of Illinois Home Rule, Part II: Home Rule and Taxes.” (Banovetz and Kelty 2003a)
  • Banovetz, James M., and Thomas W. Kelty. “The Status of Illinois Home Rule, Part III: Do Home Rule Communities Levy More Property Taxes?” (Banovetz and Kelty 2003b)


Banovetz, James M. 2002. “The Status of Illinois Home Rule, Part I: Home Rule Cities and the Voters.” Illinois Municipal Review, 53.
Banovetz, James M., and Thomas W. Kelty. 2003a. “The Status of Illinois Home Rule, Part II: Home Rule and Taxes.” Illinois Municipal Review.
———. 2003b. “The Status of Illinois Home Rule, Part III: Do Home Rule Communities Levy More Property Taxes?” Illinois Municipal Review, 55.
Bowman, Ann O’M. 2017. “The State-Local Government(s) Conundrum: Power and Design.” The Journal of Politics 79 (4): 1119–29.
Goodman, Christopher B. 2019. “Local Government Fragmentation: What Do We Know?” State & Local Government Review 51 (2): 134–44.
Miller, David Y., and Raymond Cox. 2014. Governing the Metropolitan Region: America’s New Frontier. New York, NY: Routledge.
Richardson, Jesse J. 2011. “Dillons Rule Is from Mars, Home Rule Is from Venus: Local Government Autonomy and the Rules of Statutory Construction.” Publius: The Journal of Federalism 41 (4): 662–85.