Metropolitan & regional governance

Content for the week of April 1, 2024


  • Regionalism, broadly
  • Councils of Governments (COGs)/Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
  • Regional Intergovernmental Organizations (RIGOs)
  • Informal regionalism


  • Chapters 6-10 in Governing the Metropolitan Region: America’s New Frontier (Miller and Cox 2014)
  • Howell-Moroney, Michael. “The Tiebout Hypothesis 50 Years Later: Lessons and Lingering Challenges for Metropolitan Governance in the 21st Century.” (Howell-Moroney 2008)
  • Rickabaugh, Jay. “Regionalism with and Without Metropolitanism: Governance Structures of Rural and Non-Rural Regional Intergovernmental Organizations.” (Rickabaugh 2021)


Howell-Moroney, Michael. 2008. “The Tiebout Hypothesis 50 Years Later: Lessons and Lingering Challenges for Metropolitan Governance in the 21st Century.” Public Administration Review 68 (1): 97–109.
Miller, David Y., and Raymond Cox. 2014. Governing the Metropolitan Region: America’s New Frontier. New York, NY: Routledge.
Rickabaugh, Jay. 2021. “Regionalism with and Without Metropolitanism: Governance Structures of Rural and Non-Rural Regional Intergovernmental Organizations.” The American Review of Public Administration 51 (2): 155–64.